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SSCI收录刊AAAJ《会计、审计与职责杂志》简介及文章阅读(Emerald 7月推荐)
来源:   作者:   编辑:   时间:2018-01-04   点击数:

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability JournalSSCI收录)IF:0.835

《会计、审计与职责杂志》(ISSN: 0951-3574),1988年创刊,每年8期,主编James Guthrie教授来自澳大利亚Macquarie University。该刊去年成功进入SSCI检索之后,获得了影响因子。其致力于推动会计学科知识的进步,并提供一个论坛出版涉及会计、审计及与它们的社会经济和政治环境间的互动的高质量文章。

期刊接收研究型文章及创意型短篇文章,创意型文章可以以韵文或散文的形式发表于期刊的Literature and Insights版块。


征稿信息:Author Guidelines

参考样文:Sample Article


Conceptions of corporate social responsibility: the nature of managerial capture

Authors:Brendan O’Dwyer

Keywords:Corporate ventures; Ireland; Managers; Perspectives; Social accounting;

"Corporate social and environmental reporting: a review of the literature and a longitudinal study of UK disclosure"

Authors:Rob Gray, Reza Kouhy, Simon Lavers

Keywords:Disclosure; Literature; Reports

Introduction: The legitimising effect of social and environmental disclosures – a theoretical foundation

Authors:Craig Deegan

Keywords:Environmental audit; Motivation; Social accounting

Strategic management accounting: how far have we come in 25 years?

Authors:Kim Langfield-Smith

Keywords:Accounting; Activity based costs; Budgetary control; Strategic management; Target costs

Balancing dilemmas of the balanced scorecard

Authors:Ulf Johanson, Matti Skoog, Andreas Backlund, Roland Almqvist

Keywords:Balanced scorecard; Control

Risk management: The reinvention of internal control and the changing role of internal audit

Authors:Laura F. Spira, Michael Page

Keywords:Corporate governance; Internal auditing; Internal control; Risk management; United Kingdom

Corporate governance, accountability and mechanisms of accountability: an overview

Authors:Niamh M. Brennan, Jill Solomon

Keywords:Corporate governance; Management accountability; Research

The ethical, social and environmental reporting-performance portrayal gap

Authors:Carol A. Adams

Keywords:Ethical investment; Financial reporting; Management accountability; Social responsibility

Social, environmental and sustainability reporting and organisational value creation?: Whose value? Whose creation?

Authors:Rob Gray

Keywords:Shareholder value analysis; Social accounting; Sustainable development

Financial Accounting Knowledge, Conceptual Framework Projects and the Social Construction of the Accounting Profession

Authors:Ruth D. Hines

Keywords:Accountability; Accountancy; Australia; Canada; Financial accounting; United Kingdom; USA